So, I'm up a little late tonight preparing my house for Alexa's birthday tomorrow. The family is coming for cake and ice cream, so there is a kitchen to clean, a living room to clean, laundry to finish and a fish tank to clean. Yes, that's right a fish tank. Last year at this exact time Alexa received money from Candy Grandma (a.k.a. Grandma Locke) for her birthday. She wanted to buy fish, and even though I severely object to animals, I allowed it to happen. And, much to my surprise, the two Beta fish we came home with have been fairly pleasant for the last twelve months... until tonight. I decided a clean tank for Alexa's birthday would be a good idea. She has been mentioning it to me for a few days now and I decided it was time. As I began scooping them out of the tank, I noticed Jake (the fish are named Dave and Jake after Andrew's old boss and his son- we had them over for dinner about once a week before Jake moved back up to Logan) was way too easy to scoop up. And, as I looked a little closer, I noticed he wasn't breathing. Now, Jake has been under the weather the last couple months- Andrew and I have both thought so. And yesterday as Alexa was feeding them she told me Jake must not be hungry, but she'd give him extra food just in case he felt hungry later. Would that I had looked a little closer YESTERDAY!!! So, now what? I'm cleaning the bowl trying to figure out a plan. It's way too late to call anyone for advice. Normally, I'd call Honor and hash out this mess. I can't very well wake Andrew up- it's 1:30 AM, for crying out loud. So, I decide to put him back in his bowl. I am pouring him and a pitcher of water in at the same time, you know, to save time. BIG MISTAKE. I'm all done, looking at the tank and I can't see his tiny little body. Where did he go?! Oh, that's right- the water coming from the pitcher must have moved the little rocks at the bottom enough that his tiny little body that can't move on its own anymore got stuck underneath them. All I can see is part of the tail. Great. So, I'm not so smart when it comes to fish. I get a long spoon and try to dig him out. He comes out all right, but I think I did something to the tail... it looks a little funny. So, now he is just floating in the tank- his poor body slightly maimed. Do I leave him and see who else notices? Do I hope no one notices and try to replace him on Monday? Do I flush his little body and explain in the morning to the girls what happened? Do I leave him and explain in the morning and let them participate in the flushing? OH, WHAT TO DO?!
The Evan's Cabin ~ Trip #3
7 years ago
HAHAHA! That is so funny. I mean it's not, but it is. I'd flush him in the morning that way the girls can do it with you.
you should have called ... I was up at 12:30. I would have suggested just putting it back in the tank until morning, showing the girls and having a funeral. dum dum dumdum dum dumdum dumdum dum .... (death march)...anyway ... how sad.
You left us all hanging....what did you do? I hope the girls didn't take it too hard :(
I am laughing too! I'm with Em. What did you do?
I think there was an episode on the old Cosby show like this. It ended up with the dad having the funeral on his own and the kids moving on to other things. In case you need an ending...
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