These are my cute girls and the beautiful tulips they picked out for me for Mother's Day (with the help of their Dad, of course). Mother's Day is always an interesting holiday, I think. We spend so much time and energy to make ONE day nice for our moms- a dinner she doesn't have to cook herself, gifts and cards to let her know how much we love her, possibly a nap, which every mother needs, etc. And, it is nice- I'm not complaining about Mother's Day. But, what I like more than the one day is when my kids draw me a picture just because or they give me a hug and tell me they love me because I got them a drink of juice or when Dad takes them outside on a normal day so the house is quiet for a while. Those are the times I love. Mother's Day is great, but the other days are what matter most to me. So, this is a tribute to all the other days of the year that don't have a sign or Hallmark card reminding you to think of all that your Mother has done for you.
The Evan's Cabin ~ Trip #3
7 years ago
Those are beautiful flowers! I love tulips. If I had a favorite flower, that would be it. But it's so hard to have a favorite when flowers are all so lovely. Some are better than others--tulips for example! Happy Mother's Day and every other day too. Love ya Cori.
I totally agree. We never celebrate Mothers day in Holland. They do in England but it is in March.
Very true! ...and your girls are so cute! :)
I totally agree with you, its those unexpected moments that really make our day.
every time I see their tiny faces they just make me feel happy ... I love those girls! (I think more than my own on some days!)
Love the flowers! Your girls are adorable! Amen to the blog about Mothers Day!
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