Kidney stones- even writing the words make my insides ache and my brain scream in terror. I shudder at the pain that such things invoke. I have lived through the pain twice now. Three years ago I woke in the middle of the night with the worst pain I have ever felt. It required a trip to the emergency room and some serious medication. So, on Monday I felt a pain. It felt familiar. I cringed at the thought of what it could be, even though I knew what it was. So, Wednesday night was my own personal nightmare. Luckily, it is over and I can move on. However, I am now forced to look at my lifestyle and decide what I can change so these awful things don't plague me. I'd even be happy if I could guarantee five years between each episode instead of three. There are lots of factors to take into account in the production of Kidney stones. For me there are two: chocolate and soda. I've got to get rid of at least one of them. I can't decide which. They are my comfort foods, my stress foods, and my yummy just because foods. So, I'm taking a poll. Help me out, please: which do I cut out of my life? I'm sad just thinking about it....
**I also must mention that I have the best group of neighbors and friends around, who took great care of me and my kids (mostly my kids) on Thursday after my ordeal. Thanks Stacy for dinner and taking Callie; Stacy, Kelsie, and Courtney for playing with Alexa and Callie; and thanks to Stacia and Melissa who may have not even known that Alexa was at their house. You guys are great!! And to the rest of you who made phone calls, offers and condolences, thank you for caring!!
The Evan's Cabin ~ Trip #3
7 years ago
Are you kidding? Keep the chocolate!
So sorry to hear about your pain. What a horrible ordeal. (I hope your mom doesn't feel too guilty about passing you the genes. Mom's are like that.)
And again: Keep the chocolate.
Trips to Grandma fridge at a young age is the source of your soda dependency....I think it's time to close the soda fridge for good.
I have never had them, but I thought they were from too much milk products? I eat ALOT of chocolate and ALOT of soda and have not had them? email me more details if you have time. or I will just google it. Interesting.
I agree, keep the chocolate say bye bye to Soda. Love ya. Sorry you had to go through that...yet again.
I vote to oust the soda as well. I love chocolate, and find that once I got used to not drinking soda I didn't miss it. Well! We have both had those dastardly kidney stones this year. I hope this is the last of them.
Ug! Sorry you had to go through that! Definitely give up the soda! No contest!! There are WAY to many yummy things made from chocolate!!! No one should give up chocolate! I stopped drinking soda in high school, initially I was just not going to drink any for a year, but after a year of not drinking any, it was disgusting!
I am sorry, I should have called you again on Thursday! I am glad that it is over. My vote is for the soda, I have heard that one a lot relating to kidney stones!
you know there is a whole list of foods you can cut out...i worked for a(n) urologist for a year. such fun to have people calling with kidney stones demanding appts right away. anyway, peanut butter was one of them, but i don't remember much else. get a complete list if you can't get rid of soda...but giving up chocolate might lead you to a life of crime!
Give up aspartame and high fructose corn syrup. More often than not, those are in soda. Read ingredients though. There's a lot of crap in lots of food. Best of luck though.
I have only had ONE kidney stone and that was enough. I'm so sorry about it. I could throw up for you just thinking about it! I would probably give up the chocolate unless it was chocolate cake! :) Good luck and let me know if you need anything!
I'd lose the soda... I finally quit diet coke. I'm so sorry about the kidney stones.
Oh, Cori, that doesn't sound fun at all. I'm with everyone else - I don't think I could part with chocolate, but soda I don't really love much so I'm biased. Glad you're better.
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