Wasn't it thoughtful of my Mom to tag all her daughters with a new one? Yeah... we all think so. :)
I am - - - tired.
I want to be - - - a Corporate Lawyer (that isn't to say that I don't love being a mom- it would just be nice to know that I accomplished the feat of Law School)
I need - - - a big chunk of chocolate to munch on.
I wish - - - my kids would sleep past 7am on any given day.
I'm scared - - - of deep, dark water.
I will never forget - - - the fun teenage years I had growing up with my brothers and sisters... we were so blessed to have each other and had such a good time together! In case anyone is wondering, I have the BEST family ever... seriously- you should all be jealous.
What the world could do without - - - cockroaches- really, what IS their purpose?
OK- I tag all past roommates who read this- you know who you are.
The Evan's Cabin ~ Trip #3
7 years ago
You know, I think "tired" is a state of motherhood. Eventually, it does get better, but I am not sure when. The worst part is that when your children are grown you are tired for different reasons. It is truly perverse. I am glad chocolate is easy to procure. I am glad you had fun as a teen and have good memories. I am glad you aspire to something for yourself, and hope you have the opportunity to pursue your goals later (unless the pursuit is related to a personal tragedy of some kind). I hope your kids have a mind freeze and sleep in and that you have a great weekend.
You know, I think "tired" is a state of motherhood. Eventually, it does get better, but I am not sure when. The worst part is that when your children are grown you are tired for different reasons. It is truly perverse. I am glad chocolate is easy to procure. I am glad you had fun as a teen and have good memories. I am glad you aspire to something for yourself, and hope you have the opportunity to pursue your goals later (unless the pursuit is related to a personal tragedy of some kind). I hope your kids have a mind freeze and sleep in and that you have a great weekend.
I totally agree about the great family you have ... and cockroaches are disgusting.
Yes, you do have wonderful family!! ;) We had some great growing up years! Of course, I don't believe the good stuff is over, it's just different! :)
I just love you, Cori. Jodie
wahha! I am not a past roomate, but I do have to say that I am happy to say that you do have the best family ever and your family while growing up WAS awesome...
and I totally relate to the corporate lawyer gig...I so want to sue some of those unfair pigs....
What the??? This is crazy! My kids don't ever sleep past seven, I am terrified of deep water (i.e. the lake or the ocean) and I scream if I see a cockroach! And I hate to tell you but I think I have the best family ever! Ha Ha cute post!
I love your new haircut!!!
I heard Alexa cut hers too, wow already for kindergarten next week, wow.
I can't wait to see you all next week.
Love, Andrea
I finally did it.
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