Friday, July 18, 2008

A Total Bust

So, I tried to take the girls to see a Kung Fu Panda last night. Tried is the key word. The air conditioning happened to be broken in the one theatre room where the movie was being shown. It had to have been at least 95 degrees in there. We had to leave early... Callie was sweating like a pig (or perhaps a large overweight panda). Anyway, she wanted to sit on my lap and have me blow on her neck and feet (I know- gross) so she could cool down. So, I was roasting from the body heat factor. I went to complain twice to the manager. The first time he played dumb and said, "Oh, is the air not on in there?" DUH!!! The second time I wasn't as nice and he gave us free passes to come back another time. Smart guy. Alexa didn't want to leave, but I insisted. If I had to listen to Callie any longer I would have gone crazy. One of the girls' friends who went with us was even complaining of a headache it was so hot in there. You just can't live without air conditioning in a place like this. How did they do it in Brigham Young's time?!
*Like my little picture below? From what we did see of the movie, it looked good... I would possibly recommend it if I had been able to concentrate on any of it. I'll give a full review once we see it again.


Leesa said...

That was horrible, I can't believe I stuck around. Thanks for complaining and getting us tickets too. Hey and the ac actualy came on.... pretty much right when the movie ended, right in time for us to leave. What a night.