Today my baby turned one. My handsome, precious baby boy. Believe it or not, I have mixed emotions about such an event. (I know this will shock most of you). With each passing day, I move closer to closing the baby phase of my life. I've had a baby for so long, that it almost feels odd. I know it's the right thing for our family- I feel complete and that makes me happy; but, it is still just a strange idea that we will no longer have to keep baby things around once Quinten outgrows them. I've already purged my house of all my newborn things- my poor sister, Siri, now gets to store them for future use. :) And every time Leah or Quinten outgrow things, I send them away from our home to someone else who can use them. Odd. Eventually, I will stop having to wake up at night for crying little ones. They will get older and will be able to bathe themselves, get themselves dressed, go to the bathroom without help, etc. Someday, I may be able to retire the countless diaper bags that have circulated through our home in the last 7+ years. Odd. We will move into a stage of independent kids who can take on more responsibilities. Kids who can buckle their own seat belts. Kids who may not want me to be around 24/7- kids who will let me go to the bathroom alone. ( I know- it's almost too good to be true).
As my baby years slowly fade into the past, I hope there will be things that are not lost. I love that my kids still want to sit with me and be loved. I love the way Quinten smiles at me when I come in his room to get him out of his crib. I love that Leah tells me I'm her favorite and in the same breath tells her Dad that he is not her favorite (I know- I'm horrible). On the flip side, however, she is the first and loudest to greet him with a huge hug when he gets home from work each day. I love the way Callie tries to make me happy when she knows I'm mad at one of her sisters. I love the way Alexa still draws me pictures and cards that tell me I'm the best mom and that she loves me. They are my precious babies- each of them- and I hope they will always know how much they mean to me.
So, the point of this rambling on Quinten's birthday is to mention that we've had a lot of milestones lately. I've been a horrible blogger and need to catch up. I started a post on Leah's birthday that I still need to finish, we've had another soccer season begin and end, preschool graduation, a family vacation to Disneyland, the end of the school year, more lost teeth, potty training going on, celebrating both Leah's and Quinten's birthdays... and the list goes on. Or I should say, the pictures go on and on and on. I have intentions of catching up. I will catch up. And I'll get it done before we get too far into the summer. We have plenty going on in the next few months before school starts again to blog about as well. So, look forward to my posts everyone... aren't you excited??? I am.
The Evan's Cabin ~ Trip #3
7 years ago
I am!
and to hear more about your disneyland vacay....the whole in the car story. I want to hear if you ended up staying in the car all night.
Is it weird that reading about getting rid of baby stuff made me totally sad and realize that I'm not done yet? Because even though some days I feel like I am, this made me realize that I'm really not... anyway, I am excited to hear/read everything that has been going on! :)
Reading this, I even felt a little nostalgic for those "good ole days" when my little ones smiled up at me from the crib and liked me best(not all of them did, however). All I can say is that each phase of life has its wonders. I suppose the trick is to enjoy each event, knowing that it might be the last of its type. But there's always something else, and if we remained in one stage forever, we'd miss the rest!
I can't wait!!! I can't believe that Quinten is also 1! Oh how fast a year flies by. Enjoy the rest of them!!! :) Its all downhill from here. Or maybe uphill with three girls.
I feel the same way. It is so bitter sweet. I don't want to Claire to grow up. I also feel right about being done, it's just crazy to think sometimes. We are too young to have 7 yr. olds and husbands who are "fixed"!!! Happy Birthday to your sweet little guy. He sure is a cutie.
So glad you have a blog! We're so grateful for all of your help and so excited to get to know your cute family better! Loved this post- I'm feeling very, very much the same. It is simply... bittersweet!
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