Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Up, Up and Away

On Saturday morning when Alexa woke me up, I could hear the familiar sound outside- it was once a strange sound, but now is welcome and fun. Even my kids know what the sound is. Ever since we moved into our house nearly three years ago, this hot air balloon has become a part of our weekends during the spring and summer. It practically floats right over our house and my kids love running outside to see it. The noise is, of course, the hot air that fills the balloon. It floats low enough that we can even see the flame. Alexa wanted a picture on Saturday because Callie wasn't awake to see it. By the time I grabbed the camera, it had floated farther away, but it had been right over our backyard. So fun!


Judie and George said...

Look at all that blue sky! So that's where it is--because it isn't here, that's for sure. Looks like fun!

Honor said...

my girls would love that for sure!

emily :) said...

How cool! I love hot air balloons! :)